Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thing 27

Well, I just joined Twitter and immediately after I created my account, I checked to see if any of my Hotmail contacts were on Twitter. An old co-worker was on and when I tried to add her, I got my first fail whale. I hope this doesn't happen often.
I made a few tweets. I cannot seem to figure out how to add my library friends, though. Pooh.
I also cannot figure out this badge thing. How do I add it to my blog? Help!
My Twitter username is KittyPantalones. Add me!
Microblogging seems just like only updating your status or news feed on Facebook. Pretty easy.
I like the idea to use Twitter in the library to communicate with others here. Ask questions quickly, keep everyone up to date on projects, events, etc. Good tool that maybe isn't quite as time-consuming as other options.

Thing 26

So I joined the Ning in round 2. I'm sticking to the cat avatar theme. I should probably be a cat in my next life anyway.
I joined The Comfort Zone group and commented on their wall.
I added Nicole as a friend and commented on her wall.
I was going to add the badge to my blog but couldn't figure out how! Any ideas?
I notice the Ning is very similar to Facebook. Same features -- wall, profile, pictures, etc. Which is nice because it's not open to the entire world like Facebook is -- only 23 things librarians. I like that.
A Ning in our library may work, though I'm not sure how many of out patrons would participate. It'd be a nice forum for the staff, though, maybe even the entire LARL network. We could "meet" others and communicate through it.
I doubt it'd catch on in my personal life. I could create a network Ning for all my friends, but with most of them already having Facebooks and/or MySpaces, I doubt they'd want another Web site to maintain.
Also I want to note the typo at the end of Thing 26's blog prompts. Yoru personal life? Bad.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thing 25

OK, thing 24 done. A lot of the widget ideas were cool and nice to know there were so many to choose from. I only did two right now. I installed the commenter so my friends and co-workers can give my posts a thumbs up or down. That was pretty easy.
Then I added a poll using PollDaddy. I asked how cute my kitty avatar was. It took me awhile to figure out how that worked, but once I got the code, I figured it out. Also pretty easy.
Both of these together took about five minutes, tops.
Good stuff.
I may add more widgets later.


getting started

Well, here's my first blog entry. It was pretty easy setting it up. I've used blogger once before in a photo class, so I was somewhat familiar with it. I edited my profile and added a photo.